Issue 29 Apr/May 1984

  • Around the Shows: The Ideal Home Exhibition by Array ()
  • Crufts by Array ()
  • The Daily Express Boat Show by Array ()
  • The Believing World of Gilbert and George by Array ()
  • Baron Alban: Life is short but Art is long by ()
  • The Word Made Flesh: Freud and Performance by Array ()
  • The Wild Chimes: Carillon Music by Array ()
  • Artists and the Nuclear Threat by Array ()
  • Notes from Cardiff by Array ()
  • Clockwork Orange (Man in the Moon); Japanese Cassette Magazines; Neo-Naturists' Valentine's Day Performance; Hans Haacke at the Tate; Andropov's Funeral; British Canadian Video Exchange Opening, Canada House' Robert Wilson's Video 50 by Array ()


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