Issue 35 June/July 1985

  • A Night in Hell: Els Commediants on pagans and pyrotechnics by Array ()
  • La Gaia Scienza: John Ashford strips away the metaphors by Array ()
  • Emerging From the Cultural Revolution: are the Fourth Peking Opera by Array ()
  • From the Enclosure: Zoo Man Alberto Vidal speaks by Array ()
  • Spark Fly: as Bow Gamelan open the festival by Array ()
  • Apocalypse Now: from Poland's Theare Nowy by ()
  • Dirty Work: From the Director of Security, by the Bahumutsi Company by Array ()
  • Mass in A Minor: Extract from the political thriller this Yugoslav piece was based on by Array ()
  • The Elusive: Winston Tong, traced, found, interviewed by Array ()
  • Cease and Desist: Arthur Miller vs Wooster Group - the full story by Array ()
  • What about Performance: in the British Art Show? by Array ()
  • A Lot of Things: happen in Cardiff by Array ()
  • Up the Nile: experimental art is stirring by Array ()
  • Invisible Work by Array ()
  • To: Do: The Nine O'Clock Muse by Array ()
  • Feverhouse by Array ()
  • Blood Group: Clam by Array ()


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