Issue 52 Feb/Mar 1988

  • Readers Survey - Results by Array ()
  • Life After Living: Steven Taylor Woodrow's new work by Array ()
  • Resistance, Rewind and Rant: The climate for video art by Array ()
  • Getting to Grips with Guerilla TV: the past and future of the pirates by Array ()
  • Spinning Wildly or Standing Still: high tech vs the new minimalism by Array ()
  • Stating the Art: Interview with John Wyver by Array ()
  • The City and the Suburbs: Carnival, Television and Video Art: television and community politics by Array ()
  • Videopedia: a beginners guide to video in Britain by ()
  • Annie Griffin by Array ()
  • 4D At Home by Array ()
  • Theatre Nova by Array ()
  • Robin Whitmore and the pupils of Sheringfield Primary by Array ()
  • Dogs in Honey by Array ()
  • 10 Years of Avant-Garde Film and Video at the Tate by Array ()
  • Axis Mundi by Array ()
  • Texture by Array ()
  • Rose Garrard by Array ()
  • Ivan, Rosemary Branch by Array ()
  • Richard Layzell by Array ()


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